As we approach the rainy season, meteorological departments already forecasting heavy rainfall by the end of this month, we want to ensure that you are well-prepared to safeguard your assets and mitigate potential losses caused by floods and other similar Act of God perils. Compliance with these recommendations is in your best interest, as they aim to enhance property conservation and reduce potential losses.

Here are some key recommendations to consider:
Palletized storage: Please make sure that all goods and properties stored in basements or ground floors are elevated on double pallets or at least 1 foot above ground level.
Shifting of goods to higher levels: Distribute goods stored in basements or below street level to upper floors.
Rack storage : Store stocks in racks only, reserving the second rack for goods vulnerable to water damage.

Sewer grate/Drainage lines : Please ensure that sewer grates and drainage lines in and around the premises are maintained periodically to prevent clogs and debris buildup.
Sump-pit and Sump-pump : Ensure your premises have sump-pits and sump-pumps with diesel power backup in case of electric power failure.
Sandbag Barriers : Ensure that adequate number of sandbag barriers are placed a minimum of 3-ft from the toe of an erodible slope and a minimum of 8-ft away from buildings in the premises to re-direct storm water and debris flow away from the premises.

24 Hours watch and ward arrangement : Highlight the role of your security personnel in monitoring weather developments and taking necessary actions or notifying higher authorities in the event of danger.
No open storage : Do not store any goods or stocks in open areas.
Alternate diesel power arrangement : Ensure your premises have an alternative power supply for critical equipment like refrigeration units to prevent food spoilage.
Pipeline Construction : For any pipeline construction, secure pipes immediately after laying them to prevent displacement if the trench floods. Close pipes immediately to prevent water or debris penetration and backfill trenches for tested pipe sections promptly after pressure testing.

Kindly note that the above suggested measures are not exhaustive and we also encourage you to take additional safety measures based on the specific circumstances in your area to reduce the risk of losses arising due to flood / Act of God perils’ damages.
We request your prompt compliance with these recommendations and share this communication to your stakeholders. Should you have any queries whatsoever please do not hesitate to contact us; we shall be delighted to assist further in any possible manner.